My name is Amber and this is my story. It will start at the beginning of my pregnancy (at least where it started for me) and who knows where it will end. I hope that by journaling all the information, it will not only help me to understand what is happening to me, remember how it felt after the fact, and keep track of things, but a way to help my family see where I am and how things are going, and maybe even help out some other geeky mommy in the future. So anyway, with that information lets get started!
For a while now, my husband Seth and I have been trying to start a family of our very own. We tend to be very geeky people, and look forward to raising children to be geeky, intelligent, and proud of who they are. After several years of not being successful at having children I went to the doctor and she prescribed some fertility medicine. We were supposed to start on these last Monday (July 7 for anyone who really cares) but something didn't feel right to me. Just to be safe I took a pregnancy test, even though I completely thought it would be negative. I took the test at work and initially it looked negative, so I threw it in my bag (didn't want to leave it in the work trash can) and headed home. When I got home I took it out of my bag to throw it away and, low and behold, the damn thing was positive. Of course, too much time had passed to be sure of the results so we took another test, fully expecting the first positive to have been a cruel lie by modern technology. To our surprise that test was also positive! I cried like a little baby, but refused to get too excited until we got things confirmed with my doctor, where I fortunately had an appointment made already for a little over a week later. The next day we took another test, just to be sure. This was positive too. After several days of suspense and keeping the secret to ourselves, I took ANOTHER test, which was also positive. I went to the doctor yesterday where they took my blood (my doctor referred to the lady who took it as a vampire, which was awesome!) to run all the initial tests, and told me I was 6 weeks 6 days pregnant! Seth and I could not be happier! Of course we went home and made the first phone calls to our parents, which is very time consuming since we're both from divorced families. All of our parents are ecstatic since this will be the first grand child for every single one of them. And seriously, what child doesn't want 8 grandparents to spoil them? So that's where we sit so far. I have another doctor's appointment on Monday, August 18th so that we can check and see how things are going!
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