Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Six Months Old

Orion went to his 6 month appointment last week. He is 27.5" tall and weighs 16.6 pounds. That puts him in the 85% for height! I'm so glad he's growing and happy. He's such an amazing little boy. If you haven't had a chance to meet him yet, you're definitely missing out. Over the weekend he started army crawling, which is so great to watch. He's too smart for his own good though and has even learned to us a piece of fabric to help himself slide easier. He loves to watch people and is fascinated by everything that is going on around him. I think one of his favorite things to do is to beat on my keyboard while I'm trying to do something productive. My goal for this week is to try to get some great pictures of Orion taken so that we can send them to all the grandparents,etc. for his 6 month update. I somehow believe that he has to be the smartest, most beautiful baby in the world and have to share all of his greatness with the world. I'm sorry if this seems to ramble today, but it's been so long and I really have a lot of stuff I wanted to throw out there.

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