It's New Year's Eve. Orion is spending it with his dad, although I'm quite sure he'll sleep right through the changing of the year. I'm exciting to see what the next year may hold for the both of us. The last year seems to have flown by. We're already almost 1/3 of the way done with this project and it seems like it's just started. 2012 has so much potential. Who knows what it may have in store.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 100
Fridays are always a somewhat sad morning for me. I take Orion to school and give him his hug and kiss good-bye like every other morning. However, knowing that I won't get to see his smile that afternoon...that I'll have to instead wait days to see his little smile as he runs and jumps into my arms, calling my name. So Friday morning I take a couple extra minutes before I leave him at daycare, wake O up just a little bit earlier, snuggle just a little bit longer to make up for the time that I won't see him. It's the best I can do for both of us.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 99
Today was a pretty typical Thursday in our household. Orion and I got home and spent the evening together cooking, cleaning, and packing for the weekend. O will once again be spending the weekend with his daddy. It's a long weekend so that means extra time together. It's great for them to get that extra time but always makes me miss my little man even more. Tonight O dumped out all the pieces of a few of his new puzzles and put them all together again. He is so smart and is loving all his new toys from the family. He's a lucky and very loved little boy.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 98
What a fantastic evening. Orion and I had a sort of date night, just the two of us. We started off right after work by swinging by the house to drop off our stuff and let the dog out. We then jumped back into the car and headed to Seward for supper.
We ate a quick meal and then went to the movies for the first time together. I wasn't quite sure what to expect with him since he had never gone but he was incredibly well behaved. We saw Alvin & the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked and O seemed to really like it.
He laughed at the movie a lot, asked occasional questions, and sat in his chair like a big boy through the whole movie! We even made sure to get some popcorn (what's your first movie experience without movie theater popcorn!??). The biggest issue we had was that his butt was too little to hold his seat down so occasionally he'd scoot too far back and start to squish himself in the seat.
He didn't want a booster seat though so he'd just say "Ahh I hurt myself again" and re-adjust himself to fix the chair. We came back to the house and snuggled up on the couch for a little while and then took O to bed. It's nights like this that I realize just how lucky I am to have such an incredible little boy.
We ate a quick meal and then went to the movies for the first time together. I wasn't quite sure what to expect with him since he had never gone but he was incredibly well behaved. We saw Alvin & the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked and O seemed to really like it.
He laughed at the movie a lot, asked occasional questions, and sat in his chair like a big boy through the whole movie! We even made sure to get some popcorn (what's your first movie experience without movie theater popcorn!??). The biggest issue we had was that his butt was too little to hold his seat down so occasionally he'd scoot too far back and start to squish himself in the seat.
He didn't want a booster seat though so he'd just say "Ahh I hurt myself again" and re-adjust himself to fix the chair. We came back to the house and snuggled up on the couch for a little while and then took O to bed. It's nights like this that I realize just how lucky I am to have such an incredible little boy.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 97
Today Orion and I spent the day together. We did lots of cooking and movie watching. It was a very laid back & relaxing day. Seth came out and spent the evening with O and they put together O's tricycle and had fun chasing each other around the house. It was pretty uneventful but nice. Orion didn't get a nap today so that coupled with him sleeping with me while we were back in Wallace made for a rough bed time. I ended up going to lay down with him for a little while to get him calmed down and he finally settled. Hopefully he'll sleep through the night. It's hard to tell sometimes when the night starts off that way though.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 96
Today Orion and I drove home. It was a great weekend with lots of laughs and family, but we are both worn out and definitely ready to be back home.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 94
Today was a very busy day. We had the entire family over at my mom's house (21 of us!) so Orion was on the go the entire time. We got my cousin to cut his hair so he doesn't have the terrible little baby mullet going on any more. He had a lot of fun playing with my cousins and the other kids. Everyone kept talking about how dang cute and polite Orion is. They're very impressed with the little boy he's grown into. It's always nice to hear that we're doing a good job raising your kid. We ate lots of food of course and Orion downed more brisket than any little person his size should be able to. He also watched Beauty and the Beast for the first time. He seemed to really love that movie which is exciting since it is one of my favorites. All and all I'd say he had a fantastic day.
Geeky 365 -- Day 93
So, I finally figured out how to get some internet. Yay for Android hot spot. Anyway, Orion made out like a bandit for Christmas. He ended up with more hot wheels cars, a robot, clothes, a camera, nerf swords, puzzles, books....the list goes on and on...and he still has more presents to open. I'm trying to figure out how we're going to get all this stuff in the car along with O, Callisto, and me. Could be a cramped ride home. Oh well. He loved opening presents. He ran from one person to another "helping" each of them open their gifts. Luckily my family loves him a lot and weren't at all upset by that. He seemed to have a ton of fun hanging out with his grandparents and convincing them to play with him and his new toys. He wasn't at all impressed with the clothes I got him, but he needed them anyway! I'm going to have a ton of pictures to upload once we get home, but I'm not going to mess with trying to do that from here.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
No Internets is LAME!!
Orion and I are in my home town for the holidays and internet access is nearly impossible to find. The internet I am "borrowing" from the school across the street has blogger blocked with their filter so I am stuck blogging from just my phone. Needless to say the blogs this weekend may be a little slow and will definitely be short and sweet. I will post a better update and more pictures once we finally make it home. Today O opened presents and spent lots of time with my family. I think he is having a great time so far. He may be a little spoiled.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 92
Road tripping with a 2 year old is always an interesting trip. It was pretty uneventful other than potty breaks. With O doing so well potty training I will gladly stop when he has to go if he is telling me! By the time we made it to my parents house O was very excited to see them and be out of the car. He had a ton of fun playing with his grandparents, sword fighting with grandma and sitting with grandpa talking away. He wasn't ready to go to bed, but all in all it was a great night.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 91
Orion was in a great mood today. He was giggly and running all over the house trying to help me clean and get ready to head out of town tomorrow. He was running around with a hat on and cheesing all over the place. I love this kid and am so ready for the weekend.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 90
O spent the evening with his dad today. They always have fun together. I know I say that every week, but it's true and I don't know how else to explain it. Orion is always ecstatic to see his dad...just like when I pick him up from school every day. His entire face lights up and he yells your name and sprints to hug you tight like it's been SO long since you last saw each other. I love that moment. There is so much joy that emanates from that little boy. You can't help but smile when he does it, and you're the reason he's so incredibly happy. Suddenly nothing else matters and you feel like the most special and important person on the planet. I don't know how I would make it through a week without at least once hearing him yell "Mommy" as he sprints towards me and jumps into my arms. It's the little things like that you often take for granted. I don't ever want to forget. I know that some day he'll be too old to want to run and jump into my arms. I know that before I know it he won't want to give me a kiss every morning before I go to work. For now I'll just enjoy his enthusiasm for my simple existence. He makes me feel like I really am an incredible, important person.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 89
Tonight was a very laid back night for O and I. We ate some supper, took a bath, and spent lots of time playing with his animals. He loves to make them chase each other and pretend they are biting his fingers or getting him. It's really funny to watch. After that we curled up on the couch under a pile of blankets and watched a movie before crawling up the stairs to go to bed. It was a very relaxed evening but I'm ok with that.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 87
Getting ready for the day just isn't quite the same without Orion there to help me out. He wants to be a grown up so badly. He has watched me get ready enough that he now knows the routines. He usually wants to brush my hair or brush his teeth at the same I do. He was knows the proper way to put on deodorant. I love my little helper.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 86
Orion was not a happy camper this morning. He was super crabby and did not want to get out of bed at all. I'm definitely glad that he didn't have to go to school this morning. Seth is spending another day at home with him so hopefully we can make sure his tummy is all cleared up. He will be spending the weekend with his dad so hopefully he will be in a better mood once his tummy stops hurting and he gets some rest. Here is how excited Orion was to get ready for the day today:
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 85
Poor O is still sick. I took him to the doctor this morning and they say he's just got a stomach bug so we pretty much have to wait it out. He's at least eating some carbs (crackers, bread, etc) and keeping juice down at this point so hopefully tomorrow we'll be done with everything. I'm impressed at how well he's continued to use the potty as often as he is having to go. Even walking through the store today to get him some Gatorade he ran over and told me he needed to go. Tomorrow he is going to spend the day with his daddy just so we can be sure his tummy is all cleared up. He'll actually be spending the entire weekend there so it's just some extra quality time for them to spend together. Hopefully Orion has a great weekend and gets to feeling better. Sick kids are definitely not any fun.
On a side note, today Orion and I were reading a Justice League book. He was naming the members off as we saw them. He knew Spiderman, Batman, and Flash. As if that isn't enough to be proud of, when we got to Wonder Woman I asked him who it was. His response: Mommy! That's a compliment any geeky mom would be proud to get.
On a side note, today Orion and I were reading a Justice League book. He was naming the members off as we saw them. He knew Spiderman, Batman, and Flash. As if that isn't enough to be proud of, when we got to Wonder Woman I asked him who it was. His response: Mommy! That's a compliment any geeky mom would be proud to get.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 84
Poor Orion is sick again. He has been vomiting and pooping all day. It's no fun. He spent the day with his daddy at least so that made him happy. I felt super bad for the poor little dude. Hopefully tomorrow he will have a better day. Aunt Ashley came out to play with him this evening and he was very happy to see her too. I hate seeing the little guy sick but he was still in a good mood so that makes it a little easier on all of us.
Orion playing in a box with aunt Ashley. |
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 83
Tonight Orion spent the evening with his daddy again. They are so much fun to watch wrestling around and pretending different things. After supper we settled down to watch a movie. Here is a glimpse of Orion watching:
It was a good night for the two of them. I'm glad they are so close. It makes me very happy.
It was a good night for the two of them. I'm glad they are so close. It makes me very happy.
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Orion riding his stuffed moose. |
Monday, December 12, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 82
Today was a pretty typical Monday. Orion went to school and was excited to see all his friends this morning. Apparently while he was there today he fell on the stairs and bonked his face so now he has a little bruise on the bridge of his nose. He is still doing a great job with the potty training and this evening he even pooped in the toilet today...after which he proclaimed "Mommy, I pushed my poop out!!" Yeah, I know that's probably more than anyone cares to know, but it's funny to me. We ate a big supper and took a bath, and then spent the evening curled up on the couch together running around in WoW. Orion loves that game.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 80
Orion is spending this weekend with his daddy while I am off getting everything ready for Christmas with my sisters. I hope the two of them are having loads of fun together. They are both so happy when they get to spend time together. It makes me happy to know that they have such a strong bond. I'm looking forward to Christmas. I think O is finally old enough to actually be able to enjoy it and that makes me really happy!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 79
Happy Friday. Orion had so much fun at his program last night. He was super tired by the time we got home and even with all the company he went to bed without too much trouble. This morning he was still in a pretty great mood. He was giggly and all smiles. He was making silly faces and trying to tickle me as I got him ready for the day. I love those mornings. When we got to school he ran off to play with Dean and was happy to be there. I got a kiss and even an "I love you, Mommy" before I headed off to work. I love those unprompted I love yous. They make every day better. Goofy mornings with Orion are definitely my favorite way to start off the day.
In this picture he totally looks like a little evil genius making a plan. It makes me smile.
In this picture he totally looks like a little evil genius making a plan. It makes me smile.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 78
Tonight was O's Christmas program at school and it definitely turned out to be a lot more fun than I had originally anticipated. My mom and grandma along with my sister all showed up to watch O, along with Seth and me. We took him to his classroom and he was not thrilled to be there initially. I think he was upset that everyone was there and he had to go back to school...but once he realized that Delaney was there too he was pretty happy to see her:
We all made our way to our seats and left Orion to get ready for the concert. When they finally paraded in Orion was hand in hand with his best friend Mason. The two of them waved and yelled at Mason's parents until they got to the stage. Then Orion spotted us and was all smiles and waves. They handed him a jingle bell and he shook it like crazy. He smiled and shook it so hard that the bells literally flew off. He picked up the pieces and left his place to hand it to his teacher for her to fix.
They got him a new bell and he was back in place, shaking, smiling, and singing. He did such a good job and was such a ham. He had me giggling through his entire performance.
Afterwards he came and sat with us for a while....well until he decided he needed to be the photographer for a while. He took pictures of the other kids performing and of his teacher Ellie.
After the concert we hit the refreshments and Orion found Mason for a little bit before heading home and heading to bed.
All in all I would say it was a great night with family and a ton of laughter. The concert was silly and fun in the way only little kids can be.
We all made our way to our seats and left Orion to get ready for the concert. When they finally paraded in Orion was hand in hand with his best friend Mason. The two of them waved and yelled at Mason's parents until they got to the stage. Then Orion spotted us and was all smiles and waves. They handed him a jingle bell and he shook it like crazy. He smiled and shook it so hard that the bells literally flew off. He picked up the pieces and left his place to hand it to his teacher for her to fix.
They got him a new bell and he was back in place, shaking, smiling, and singing. He did such a good job and was such a ham. He had me giggling through his entire performance.
Afterwards he came and sat with us for a while....well until he decided he needed to be the photographer for a while. He took pictures of the other kids performing and of his teacher Ellie.
After the concert we hit the refreshments and Orion found Mason for a little bit before heading home and heading to bed.
All in all I would say it was a great night with family and a ton of laughter. The concert was silly and fun in the way only little kids can be.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 77
Orion was a crabby little monkey tonight. He literally cried because I made toast. It was pretty sad. I ended up putting him in the tub. After that he seemed much better. I don't know if he didn't nap well or what but it wasn't much fun at all. I guess we all need that moment where we can just lay back, relax, and let the world fade away.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 76
Tonight Seth came out and spent the evening with Orion. They watched movies, danced, and had a lot of fun. The two of them giggle so much when they are together. Even when I don't feel good it is entertaining to watch. O definitely feels a million times better today. I'm sure seeing his daddy helped that too. His potty training is going SUPER well. Orion hasn't had an accident in over a week. He is only in a pull up over night at this point. I'm so proud of him (and so happy to not deal with diapers all the time). He's growing up so fast.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 75
Today O stayed home sick. He got a stomach bug that was not friendly. Poor little dude was not in a great mood a lot of today because of it. We did take a nice long bath though and that seemed to help out a lot. He was back to giggling and wanting to play tonight.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 74
This week I'm implementing a new thing called Silent Sunday where I am not really going to blog but am going to instead just post a picture and run with it. We'll see how that goes.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 73
Today was an amazing day. Orion and I spent the day, just the two of us. We stayed busy but had such a great time. We woke up bright and early as usual and ate some breakfast and lounged around the house for a little bit. We got dressed and headed off to run some errands. We went to the post office, grabbed some groceries, and stopped at the gas station. By the time we got home it was almost lunch time so we pulled a chair up to the stove and started making some spaghetti and cheesy bread for lunch. While that was cooking I also put together chili in the crock pot so it could cook all day for supper. We ate some lunch and then laid down on the couch to watch a movie, although I don't think nap time was ever achieved. We got up and got all of the Christmas stuff pulled out of the basement (which is a lot more work than it should be) and started getting decorations put up around the house. We set up the tree and then went in to the kitchen and made some monkey bread. After the bread was in the oven we came back and decorated the tree. Orion loved putting the decorations on and I think the tree looks great...even if there are 8 decorations on one branch and no decorations on other areas at all. We ate some monkey bread, listened to some music, read some stories, and then put in a movie. Within 20 minutes Orion was sound asleep in my lap. It was a great end to an amazing day with my kid. I love him so much and days like today make the entire world seem like a better place.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 72
So, random bit of knowledge for you. Orion talks in his sleep...a lot. There are stretches where it happens almost every night. Sometimes it makes me sad, listening to him whine and say he wants his daddy or mommy. Other times he makes me giggle, fighting over toys with other kids in his sleep. Last night he was busy telling people "That's not yours. It's mine!!" I know that several members of my family talk in their sleep, and I have horrible sleep habits, so it isn't terribly surprising. It makes me wonder what he's dreaming. I'm very curious about what goes on in his little brain a vast majority of the time and can't wait until he gets old enough to express those thoughts completely....but for now, let him stay little. Yesterday I told him he was cute. His response, "No mommy. You're cute." Seriously, how can that not just completely melt your heart??
Another bit of randomness for you. While I was in the kitchen making supper, I had my laptop sitting on the couch. I came in to the living room to find O had picked it up and was busting out some WoW. I'm so proud of my geeky baby. I am definitely looking forward to introducing him to those things as he gets older. He's a great kid and I have high hopes for his geeky future.
Another bit of randomness for you. While I was in the kitchen making supper, I had my laptop sitting on the couch. I came in to the living room to find O had picked it up and was busting out some WoW. I'm so proud of my geeky baby. I am definitely looking forward to introducing him to those things as he gets older. He's a great kid and I have high hopes for his geeky future.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Geeky 365 -- Day 71
Today was a good day. Orion didn't have any accidents at school again today, which is awesome, and got to spend the evening with Seth. They read stories and put together puzzles. They bounced and played. There was a lot of giggles. I love those days, where things are all peaceful and happy. I love watching the two of them together playing.
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