Thursday, December 8, 2011

Geeky 365 -- Day 78

Tonight was O's Christmas program at school and it definitely turned out to be a lot more fun than I had originally anticipated.  My mom and grandma along with my sister all showed up to watch O, along with Seth and me.  We took him to his classroom and he was not thrilled to be there initially.  I think he was upset that everyone was there and he had to go back to school...but once he realized that Delaney was there too he was pretty happy to see her:

We all made our way to our seats and left Orion to get ready for the concert.  When they finally paraded in Orion was hand in hand with his best friend Mason.  The two of them waved and yelled at Mason's parents until they got to the stage.  Then Orion spotted us and was all smiles and waves.  They handed him a jingle bell and he shook it like crazy.  He smiled and shook it so hard that the bells literally flew off.  He picked up the pieces and left his place to hand it to his teacher for her to fix. 

They got him a new bell and he was back in place, shaking, smiling, and singing.  He did such a good job and was such a ham.  He had me giggling through his entire performance. 

Afterwards he came and sat with us for a while....well until he decided he needed to be the photographer for a while.  He took pictures of the other kids performing and of his teacher Ellie. 

After the concert we hit the refreshments and Orion found Mason for a little bit before heading home and heading to bed. 

All in all I would say it was a great night with family and a ton of laughter.  The concert was silly and fun in the way only little kids can be. 

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