Friday, March 2, 2012

Geeky 365 -- Day 159

What a big day.  Today Orion and I spent the day with my mother running around town doing the last minute preparations for O's birthday party and a little bit of shopping for my mom.  First we took O to get his hair cut so he would look stylish for his birthday guests.  He wasn't super happy with the process but he looks great. 

 Next we ran into town for some lunch and of course had to make a stop at the arcade to bust out a few games. 

Of course my sister couldn't resist giving him a birthday present early...he got a bike and this awesome bike helmet.  He was pretty stoked!

Plus he got to spend some time with his daddy.  What more could a boy ask for?  

Tomorrow is his birthday party.  We will have a ton of people at the house so it should be quite the day.  I'm looking forward to it and I'm sure Orion is too.

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