Thursday, December 15, 2016

2nd Dr Appointment

We had the 2nd doctor's appointment today, and I'm pleased to share that EVERYTHING LOOKS GOOD!!  That's right.  As I'm sure most of you assumed, my paranoia was unfounded.  We started the appointment with an ultrasound, scanning the little baby and seeing the little arms and legs that have already formed.  I was elated to see a healthy baby exactly where it should be.  We measured right at 10 weeks, which is what all the dates pointed out, so our due date is July 9th, 2017.

That's right.  July 2017, we will have a brand new Baby Doty.  I know ultrasounds are hard to read, but the baby above has the head to the left and the feet to the right.  There are little arms and everything.  They measured my blood pressure yesterday and it was at 111/79, which is within the normal range, so here's hoping for a non-exciting, drama-free pregnancy.  Next week we will finally start telling our families about this baby, and probably sometime after the start of 2017 these blogs will all go public.  :)

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