Friday, October 28, 2011

Geeky 365 -- Day 37

I love mornings that start of like today.  Orion woke up incredibly happy and giggling.  He wanted to snuggle and play.  Nothing brightens my morning disposition quite like that.  We got him to day care and he was super excited to see his friends and to run off and play.  One little hug and he was on his way.  He's growing up so dang fast.  It blows my mind really.  I remember dropping off that tiny baby for his first day and it seems so long ago.  I'm glad to have a place that he is happy to be, where he has friends and great people to take care of him.  It's something that is really easy to forget, but I am grateful to have a safe place for Orion to be while I am off working. 

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