Thursday, February 26, 2009

Week 38--Changes and Developments.

Ok, so I am way behind this week...but here I am!! This week has been very busy trying to prepare for my maternity leave and everything else. I had a Dr. appointment yesterday that went uneventfully, and may actually have the baby's room ready (for the most part). As far as baby goes, this week there are a few little things happening:
  • Baby will be growing an ounce a day
  • Baby's intestines continue to accumulate meconium
  • The circumference of the head and the abdomen are about the same size (Ouch!!)
  • The testicles have descended into the scrotum (for boys)
  • The labia are completely developed (for girls).
The baby at this point is considered fully cooked, and because of that...if the baby hasn't decided to grace us with its presence by Tuesday evening, I will be getting induced. That's right...there is finally a finish line in the visible future. I know it's weird, but I like that there is a date and time that marks the beginning of the end. I have loved being pregnant, but the waiting game is driving me CRAZY!!! I will keep you updated over the next few days as we get closer and closer to having a new little one in our lives.

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