Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Geeky 365 -- Day 69

Yesterday I got a note from Orion's school that said "If you would like to put underwear on Orion we will start working with him.  Thank you."   Now, this may not seem like that big of a deal, but for me it is.  It means the end of diapers is near!!!  So today I sent O to school in underwear...and when I picked him up this afternoon he was wearing that same pair of underwear!  His first day without pull-ups and he had NO accidents at all!  The kid is a super star I tell ya. Then he came home and went poop in the potty.  So all and all it was a great day for O.  I'm so proud of him.  Hopefully before long we can both say goodbye to the diapers!

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